Virgo Associates

Unlocking efficiency and growth: The benefits of cloud accounting

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In business, staying ahead of, or at least up with, the curve is crucial for success. Over recent years, one of the revolutionary tools that has transformed the way businesses manage their finances is cloud accounting. Cloud accounting offers many benefits over traditional, on-premise accounting systems. Let’s discuss some of them.

What are the benefits of cloud accounting?

Traditional accounting systems often tie businesses to a specific location, requiring users to be physically present in the office to be able to access financial data. Cloud accounting frees a business from this constraint. It gives users access to real-time financial information anytime, anywhere. This kind of flexibility and access can be very valuable, allowing teams to collaborate and decisions to be made regardless of location.

Cost efficiency
Cloud accounting operates on a subscription-based model, avoiding the up-front software licence costs usually involved in traditional accounting systems. Cloud accounting systems also typically receive automatic updates and maintenance, which can reduce the demand for IT support.

The security of financial information is naturally a top concern for a business. Cloud accounting providers use advanced encryption measures to ensure that sensitive information is kept safe. These providers usually have dedicated teams focused on monitoring and addressing security threats too. This provides a level of protection that may be difficult to replicate on your own premises. Cloud accounting systems also include robust backup processes, which reduce the risk of losing data because of hardware failing.

With many cloud accounting systems - or by means of subscribing to linked automated data entry software – data entry can be automated. By uploading a copy of the invoice or receipt the software can ‘read’ the data and create the entry needed by the accounts system. While such systems rarely achieve 100% accuracy, the time-savings can be considerable and allow those dealing with finance to concentrate on more strategic work.

The benefits of cloud accounting can be transformative to a business and give you a competitive edge in today’s dynamic market. Embracing this technology is not just a trend but can be considered a strategic move towards a more agile, responsive and prosperous business.

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