Virgo Associates

ICO consultation on the draft biometric data guidance

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The Information Commissioner's Office (ICO) has produced guidance on biometric data and biometric technologies.

The draft guidance looks at the definition of biometric data under the UK General Data Protection Regulation (UK GDPR) and how data protection law applies when using biometric recognition systems.

Biometric recognition systems are tools used by businesses to verify customers' identity in the digital world. For example, facial recognition technology, voice recognition, fingerprint scanning, etc.
The ICO's draft guidance covers:

  • what biometric data is;
  • when it is considered special category data;
  • its use in biometric recognition systems; and
  • the data protection requirements you need to comply with.
    This guidance is for organisations that use or are considering using biometric recognition systems. It is also for vendors of these systems. The aim of the guide is to help businesses and organisations understand the law and the ICO's recommendations for good practice.
    See: [Guidance on biometric data | ICO](
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